Full Registration ($150.00 per person for all conference events)
(Does not include Friday night Fish Fry and Reception)
(Meals include- Breakfast Saturday & Sunday, Lunch Saturday, Foundation Dinner)
Dress: Business Casual
$ 30.00 Friday Night Fish Fry - Add On
Reception at Lost Street Brewery, Downtown Durant, OK
Dress: Casual
$55.00 each Foundation Dinner Only (Choctaw Resort)
Dress: Cocktail
Friday: On Your Own: Registration is required for Choctaw Headquarter, Choctaw Cultural Center, Lunch at Reba McEntire's Restaurant in Atoka, OK. or Lunch at Blake Shelton's Restaurant in Tishomingo, Ok.
For a completed agenda of events for the weekend please scroll down.
Hotel Links and Information
1. Choctaw Resort Spa Tower
Link & Code: Code District-5770: Click here to register for hotel
1-800-788-2464 press #1 and giving the agent the offer code
DISTRICT-5770 for the group rate.
Friday, April 26th Options:
Rotary Group Tours with reservations needed:
Tour the Choctaw Headquarters
Tour Choctaw Cultural Center
Lunch at Reba McEntire’s Restaurant in Atoka, about 30 minutes from Durant
Lunch at Blake Shelton’s Restaurant in Tishomingo, about 30 minutes from Durant
Self Guided Tours:
Tour Rotary Projects around Durant
Tour the Three Valley Museum and the Semple Family Museum of Native American Art in Durant
Tour Ft. Washita
Shopping in Downtown Durant
Poker lessons
Play golf, possible tournament if there’s enough interest
Guided fishing on Lake Texoma. Please email kelsey@willowspringsmarina.com for information
Resort Amenities
Movie Theater
Swimming Pool
Friday, 6:00 PM-8:00 PM
Reception at Lost Street Brewery, Downtown Durant-Cost will be $30. This is a separate event from the Conference.
Fish Fry
Corn Hole
Live music provided by District 5750
Saturday, April 27,2024
8:00 Registration Open
8:30 AM-Breakfast
9:00 AM- Welcome: TBD
9:20 AM-Durant Chamber of Commerce Director Janet Reed
9:40 AM-Rotary International Director Beth Stubbs
10:30 AM-
10:50 AM-The Endowment, Ted Huffhines
11:15 AM-Past Rotary International Director Elizabeth Usovicz
12:00 PM-
12:30 PM-Four Way Test Speech Contest District Winners
1:00 PM-Program-Dr. Jennifer Hays-Grudo, Resilience
2:30 PM-5:30 PM-
Free Time
5:30 PM-Cash Bar, entertainment provided by the Durant High School Jazz Band
6:00 PM-
Foundation Dinner
6:30 PM-Foundation Speaker Past Rotary International President Ron Burton
7:00 PM-Separate by District for Foundation Recognition
8:00 PM-Adjourn
Sunday, April 28th
9:00 AM-Breakfast
9:45 AM-Time of Inspiration
10:30 AM-Remembrance Ceremony
11:00 AM-Business Meeting, Districts will hold separate meetings
11:45 AM-Closing remarks
12:00 PM-
This is the tentative schedule.