Rotary Club of Edmonton 
Invites you to attend this presentation - in person or online
Monday April 15th noon
Chateau Lacombe Hotel

Speaker: Dr Timothy Parker
Title:  Brain Changes in Addictions: A Dangerous Journey

SUMMARY:  Dr. Parker will answer some key questions about addiction, such as how addiction changes the brain, and most importantly, why addiction changes the brain so that often recovering users show cognitive impairments.

 Tim retired from 37 years of teaching at the Augustana Campus of the University of Alberta.   

Rotary Club of Edmonton (downtown) members may Login using ClubRunner ID.  All others must enter name and other details as a guest before proceeding to Select Options.  Please state the names of any guests included in the registration.

News update:  The phone number for Rotary Club of Edmonton no longer is in effect.

Registration for this event closed on Apr 15, 2024 02:59 AM. If you have any questions please contact the event chairs:
Geeta Admin, Club Administrator