Application for OAPSA Membership 2023-24 School Year

Membership in the Ohio Association of Pupil Services Administrators shall be open to Pupil Services Administrators/Supervisors/ Coordinators from City, Local, Exempted Village School Districts,  Educational Service Centers, State Support Teams, Chartered Community or Private Schools, County Developmental Disabilities (DD) Programs who have district/agency-wide responsibility for one or more of the following school services:  attendance and student accounting, guidance, nursing, school psychology, school social work, exceptional or special education, pupil assessment, at-risk programs, discipline, gifted/talented programs, federal or state grants, or related service(s), (e.g. SLP, OT, PT). Members who retire and who were active members of the association the year prior to retirement shall become honorary life members of the association with all privileges of membership except voting and holding office.  Such honorary members shall not pay dues.  (This does not apply to retirees who have taken a position that is eligible for membership.)  

OAPSA Membership is $125.  

Question:   What if I don't meet the criteria for membership?
Answer:      If you are a professional employed in the field who supports the purpose of OAPSA and you don't meet the criteria for membership but want to receive communications, access resources, and/or be actively involved with OAPSA, you may be eligible for membership as an associate member.    Dues will be the same as those eligible for membership but you do need to indicate on the application that you are applying for Associate Membership.  
Registration for this event closed on May 30, 2024 09:00 AM. If you have any questions please contact the event chairs:
Gwenn Spence, OAPSA Treasurer
Telephone: 740-587-8180
Address: Granville Exempted Village Schools 130 N. Granger St Granville, OH 43023

Deb Orecchio, Virtual Assistant
Telephone: 937-243-0318