Introductory (Basic) PRLS
Potential Rotary Leaders Seminars
Potential Rotary Leaders Seminars is your leadership development program!
Rotary District 5150's PRLS program offers practical training in professional circumstances that can benefit you on both a personal and professional level.
WHEN: Saturday, January 20, 2024, 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
The introductory Basic PRLS consists of six hours of lecture and activities in one day split among five topics:
- Fundamentals of Leadership (particularly in Rotary)
- Leading a Meeting
- Rotary, Your Club, and You!
- Effective Communication
- Public Speaking Essentials
Lectures and activities on the above topics cover the desired skills that our leaders should have to effectively plan, organize, manage, promote, present orally, and lead in any setting. Basic PRLS is the prerequiste of the five courses comprising the Master PRLS series.
COST: The registration fee for Basic PRLS is $50 per person. This cost includes the supplies, Continental breakfast, and lunch. We request that you pay online in advance so that we can have enough materials for everyone.
- Some Rotary clubs will cover this cost for their members; please check with your club. We can provide proof of payment and attendance to your club for reimbursement purposes.
- Rotaractors pay the same price of $50.
- Interactors may attend free of charge. Note: Interactors must register, but cannot register themselves on this system. Please submit the names and contact information of Interactors to Dora Dye so that she can register them free of charge.
LOCATION: Rotary Terrace, 312 Miller Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080. Please do NOT disturb the residents at 310 Miller; the correct address is 312 Miller Avenue. There is a parking garage located across from Rotary Terrace. Additionally, street parking is available. However, please refrain from parking in the Rotary Terrace garage if the door is open, as it is exclusively reserved for their residents.
REGISTRATION: See below for registration. If there is difficulty in registration or paying online, please contact
Dora Dye for assistance.
QUESTIONS: If you have questions, please contact
Richard Swart, Rotary District 5150 PRLS Co-Director.