Dinner With RI President Nominee
Sangkoo Yun
 For Non-PELS Attendees Only 

Contact Information
Whom: NON-PELS Dinner Attendees ONLY.
PELS ATTENDEES: You are automatically registered for this event with your registration at no charge.
EVENT: Thursday dinner with featured speaker R.I. President Nominee Sangkoo Yun.
DATE: Thursday, March 20, 2024
TIME: 6:00 p.m. cash bar cocktails, 7:00 p.m. dinner.
COST: $100 pp - Non Refundable.
PAYMENT: In full at online registration via PayPal.
*NOTE: Only register for this dinner event if you are a NON-PELS attendee and only attending the dinner.
Optional: Do you have a ClubRunner login?
User Name:
Your Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Badge Name:
District #:
If other please type in your district #:
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Type name of PELS MNE Attendee you are attending dinner with or type non applicable.:
Club Name - FILL IN ONLY THE BLANK PART OF "Rotary Club of ................. (BLANK)":
Preferred Phone:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Zip/Postal Code:
If you have a disability and may require accommodations, please indicate here::
Please indicate what you would like to eat::