Tuesday, September 15, 2020  -  6-8pm
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Wednesday, September 23, 2020  -  6-8pm

The following sessions are being offered.  You will be asked to select your top three sessions for each day. We will do our best to place you in your first choice for the breakouts. 
  1. Keeping Clubs Vital

    Description: The events of 2020 challenged every aspect of every organization, from government to business to service organizations. Traditional Rotary meetings were far too dangerous to conduct, and most club operations had to be modified. Yet many clubs found ways to keep the club active and, more importantly, to provide the leadership and service so badly needed by their community. A vital club engages both new and existing members, it identifies needs and finds solutions, and it provides each member with the support and inspiration of a family-like environment. Topics in this discussion include making your meetings inviting and interesting, creating opportunities for fellowship, and building prestige by implementing real and significant community improvement.

    Rationale: Vitality refers to the health of a club, and it influences the activity level and ability to recruit new members.
  2. Making Rotary Work

    Description: The work of Rotary is defined by its five avenues of service, and that work has not changed because of COVID-19. How we address each of these avenues may require creativity and commitment. Topics in this discussion include raising funds in a COVID era, identifying projects and adjusting priorities given the current situation, making the club a valuable and support environment for members, and attracting new members despite social distancing guidelines.

    Rationale: The Rotary model of a service organization, which provides both an opportunity to give back to the community while simultaneously providing fellowship and personal and professional contacts, is still alive and well, even during a COVID-19 era. However, business will have to adjust to the new reality.
  3. Sharing the Joy of Rotary

    Description: There are many reasons why people may join Rotary, such as meeting new people, contributing to the community, and making personal and business connections. People who become long-term active members typically find the entire experience rewarding, pleasurable, and valuable. A club that does not project the value of membership will have difficulty attracting new members, engaging current members, and retaining members over time. Topics in this discussion include introducing people to the excitement and satisfaction of membership, welcoming guest and new members, enhancing the prestige of the club in the community.

    Rationale: I am reminded of the words of the founding owner of the Buffalo Bills when he was asked about how he planned to market the team. His response was “You market a team by winning.” We should never forget that great clubs get things done while having fun doing it. It attracts dynamic people by having a lot of other dynamic people already involved. People join and stay not just because they are asked but because they want to be a part of something special.
  4. Building on your Momentum

    Description: It is very hard to think of the COVID-19 virus as anything other than a serious disruption in just about everything, but a careful review will suggest some silver linings in this cloud. Virtual meetings are generally less satisfying than sitting with your friends, sharing a meal, and then shaking hands after the meeting. But virtual meetings open up the club to people who travel a lot, are too busy to take two hours to travel to and from a meeting, or to members who are ill or, as is true now, are healthy but at risk of health problems if they meet too often in groups. Virtual speakers open a much wider range of high-quality speakers, who only need to devote 20-30 minutes and no travel time. Topics in this discussion include encouraging virtual attendance of potential members, booking a wider range of high-quality speakers, and maintaining connections with members as they travel or deal with problems in their life.

    Rationale: We have been discovering both the good and the bad of virtual meetings. Trying to sing or recite the 4-Way Test is hard; getting great speakers is much easier. Just like every economic downturn is an opportunity for business to find better ways to compete, the current situation is an opportunity for each club to experiment and improve. [This is a place to insert issues of emerging needs that might come up in the two months before this program startsIt adds a level of flexibility to the program.]
We look forward to you joining us!
Registration for this event closed on Aug 10, 2020 12:00 PM. If you have any questions please contact the event chairs: