Rotary Club of Edmonton 
Invites you to attend this presentation - in person or online
Monday July 31st noon
Chateau Lacombe Hotel

Speaker:  Kandace Machado, CEO, Alberta Gaming Liquor and Cannabis 
Topic:    AGLC - Strategic and Business Plans 
AGLC - Strategic and Business Plans

Kandace Machado, CEO, Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC). CPA, CMA, CFE

Kandice Machado joined AGLC in 2002 and has held a variety of roles in multiple divisions—most recently in her capacity as AGLC’s Vice President of Corporate Services and Chief Financial Officer. Kandice’s expertise in financial management is complemented by her extensive experience in solution-focused financial advice and planning in complex business environments. Her remarkable professional tenure provides a substantial foundation for innovation that supports AGLC’s evolving gaming, liquor and cannabis industries, while promoting a thriving business environment balanced with productive regulations. Kandice’s wealth of industry knowledge coupled with her proactive approach to exceptional customer service reflects her commitment to business modernization and reducing red tape to create a more vibrant Alberta.

AGLC is the Government of Alberta's Crown commercial enterprise and agency that oversees the gaming, liquor and cannabis industries in Alberta.

Chair of the day is Brian Edwards

Rotary Club of Edmonton (downtown) members may Login using ClubRunner ID.  All others must enter name and other details as a guest before proceeding to Select Options.
For those joining us online, you will need to register in advance and pay the $10 online fee.   A Zoom link will be sent by 10 am morning of the meeting.​  If you missed it please send an e-mail message at 10 am.
Registration for this event closed on Jul 31, 2023 02:59 AM. If you have any questions please contact the event chairs:
Neil Lang,
Address: Rotary Club Edmonton at Chateau Lacombe