Welcome to the Rotary Club of Edmonton Strathcona's Chase the Ace purchase portal.  Follow the prompts and enter the required information.  Those of you who have purchased online tickets to previous Rotary events will be familiar with this process.  All tickets are sold in Canadian dollars and must be purchased using a credit card.  Tickets are $1 each, buy as many as you like as often as you like!!
(You do not need to be in attendance at the Zoom meeting to have your ticket drawn or to draw for the Ace of Spades)

Remember, the "bi-weekly winner" collects 20% of the pot collected, one chance to draw the Ace of Spades from a deck of cards plus the option of buying a second chance to draw the Ace of Spades from the deck of cards.  The accumulating grand prize is currently $1,549

Contact Information
Optional: Do you have a ClubRunner login?
User Name:
Your Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Preferred Phone:
I am 18 years of age and eligible to participate in this raffle:
I agree that in the event I am not in attendance during the Zoom meeting in which my ticket number is selected that club president Jim Peddie or someone he designates will draw for the Ace of Spades on my behalf: