Potential Rotary Leaders Seminars is your leadership development program!

Nearly 600 Rotarians have completed PRLS.

Ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? Rotary District 5150's Master PRLS 4 offers in-depth, participant-centered training in Strategic Rotary Leadership. Designed and delivered by Rotarians for Rotarians, this full-day workshop will help you to excel not only in Rotary, but also in your career.

WHEN: Saturday, October 19, 2024, 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM

PREREQUISITE: Everyone must have completed Introductory PRLS prior to taking Master PRLS 4.

COST: The registration fee for Master PRLS 4 is $50 per person. This cost includes the supplies, Continental breakfast, and lunch. We request that you pay online in advance so that we can have enough materials for everyone. 
  • Some Rotary clubs will cover this cost for their members; please check with your club. We can provide proof of payment and attendance to your club for reimbursement purposes.
  • Rotaractors pay the same price of $50.
  • Interactors may attend free of charge. Note: Interactors must register, but cannot register themselves on this system. Please submit the names and contact information of Interactors to Dora Dye so that she can register them free of charge.
LOCATION: to be announced

REGISTRATION: See below for registration. If there is difficulty in registration or paying online, please contact Dora Dye for assistance.

QUESTIONS: If you have questions, please contact Richard Swart, Rotary District 5150 PRLS Co-Director.
Contact Information
Optional: Do you have a ClubRunner login?
User Name:
Your Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Badge Name:
Club Name:

Preferred Phone:
Address 1:
Zip/Postal Code:
Do you have any dietary restrictions?: